Dungeon Crawler On Demand!

Quickly and easily access a thrilling dungeon-crawling experience at any time. With a simple click of a button, players can enter a fully-realized, randomly generated dungeon filled with monsters and diablo inspired equipment looting system!

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Gameplay Mechanics

  • Roguelite gameplay where the progress is reset when the player dies, but equipment is carried over.
  • Players navigate through the dungeon by climbing the floors that features randomized events.
  • Players can upgrade their stats upon level up, choosing 3 possible upgrades and 2 reroll chances per level.
  • Players has 6 slots of equipment that they can equip.
  • There are 6 equipment rarities which are Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary, and Heirloom.

In-game Stats

  • HP (Hit Points) - The amount of damage a unit can take before dying.
  • ATK (Attack) - The amount of damage dealt when a unit attacks.
  • DEF (Defense) - The amount of damage reduction against attacks.
  • ATK.SPD (Attack Speed) - How quickly a unit can perform attacks per second.
  • VAMP (Vampirism) - Heals for a percentage of the damage dealt.
  • C.RATE (Crit Rate) - Chance to land a critical hit.
  • C.DMG (Crit Damage) - Amount of bonus damage dealt upon landing a critical hit.


If you encounter any issues or have any questions or suggestions, please reach out to me!

Recent Changelog

  • v1.1.3: Capped equipment level to 100 maximum and tier to 10 maximum (2/7/2023)
  • v1.1.3: Added equipment tiers (2/7/2023)
  • v1.1.3: Nerfed vamp, atkSpd, critRate scaling and stat roll cap (2/7/2023)
  • v1.1.3: Implemented player passive skills (2/3/2023)
  • v1.1.3: Rebalanced player bonus stat growth, level up growth, and divine blessings (2/2/2023)
  • v1.1.2: You can now sell everything in your inventory in a single click (1/31/2023)
  • v1.1.2: Added a special boss type called "Monarch" (1/31/2023)
  • v1.1.2: Implemented player stat allocation (1/31/2023)
  • v1.1.2: Bonus stats no longer scale with equipment (1/31/2023)
  • v1.1.2: Massively buffed enemy hp scaling (1/31/2023)
  • v1.1.2: Added a new dungeon event called Cursed Totem to increase enemy scaling and improve loot quality (1/30/2023)
  • v1.1.2: Added damage popup numbers (1/29/2023)
  • v1.1.2: Added health bar effects and animations (1/29/2023)
  • v1.1.2: Nerfed level up and blessing bonus stats (1/29/2023)


PlatformsHTML5, Windows, Android
Rated 4.3 out of 5 stars
(54 total ratings)
GenreRole Playing
TagsDungeon Crawler, Incremental, Roguelike, Roguelite, Singleplayer, Solo RPG, Text based
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
InputsMouse, Touchscreen


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

dungeon-crawler-od-v1.1.3a.apk 174 MB
dungeon-crawler-od-v1.1.3a-win32-x64.zip 255 MB

Development log


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Nicely done! Simple design and well executed :) I aspire to design similarly! 👏👏

It's a great game ngl

please keep updating this is the best game i have ever played 


Dude, Such a sick little game. Love the old rogue style text based with bare bones animations, it's very addictive and fast paced. Love it. Would love a compare feature for the weapons, some more variety in rooms etc, but man, well done. 

Game's great.

It would be lovely if you could see a top down perspective of the map whil playing.


(1 edit)

I think it would be nice if there was an option/passive for a 20% chance to find loot from monster corpses that you encounter

So so good and a great time killer fairly idle incremental just feels like its missing a little something to push it over the top as it does start to get quite repetitive 

(1 edit) (+1)

I was thinking that it would be interesting if there was a skill tree to add a another element to the game. That way on a new start your not completely reliant on the gear you got before.

Muy buen juego para entretenerse mientras estás aburrido.

Recomendado para pasar el tiempo de forma calmada pero adictiva xD.

I love this game, I'm pretty addicted. Perfect for chilling on a boring work day...

really great, i enjoy it a lot! the only thing i havent found yet are past battle logs after you die. im not sure if that is part of the game but if it isnt then i think it would be a good edition.

rlly cool
ended up getting a good combination of gear that allowed to minmax onto max atk speed and lots of vamp + crit dmg


hallo can you fix the android  version,the game in android always forcing stop


and might i say, titan's will with max stat points on hp is op, you can get 12% more hp, instead of 8% more dmg, and with the added bonus of tanking every hit. And to top it all off, killing enemies in 2 to 3 hit

(1 edit)

please can you make the music into separate files or something? i love the battle music but i kill the enemies too quick, and also you made a great game, i cannot deny that

(1 edit)

hallo can you add monster taming mechanic please.

(1 edit) (+2)

I've been trying to make a game like this for forever... my implementation (which has mostly lain dormant) is at https://utilityhotbar.github.io/catacombs/

But yours is much more fully featured. Congrats!

Please release it on playstore,so i can play it with no internet.

legendaries are more common then epics(only 2 epics that i have)

how do i get an heirloom


Hi, I'm a blind person, and am absolutely loving this! just to let you know I've found some accessibility bugs.

The button that opens the initial inventory screen isn't labeled, i.e: a screen reader just says "button".

The button/clickable to close the inventory screen is also not correctly labeled.

For contrast, every other button, including "explore", is correctly labeled. This includes explore, sell, and the menu button found within the inventory/equipment screen, all of these read properly. However the button to open and close that screen is not labeled.

Equipment slot buttons are also not labeled, but inventory is.

Quality of life:

I don't know how shrines of blessing work and what happens if you increase their level.

Is there a way to completely delete a save?

Other ideas, like resting and comparison of equipment, also seem interesting. I've noticed the initial stats screen does not have a vamp stat you can increase, nor the c.rate or c.damage. Also if comparison is added, wondering how this could work for people like me with screen readers without things getting too cluttered.

What is an equipment tier, how is that increased?

Thanks in advance, and I'm once again loving this little game.

Hi. not the creator, just wanting to answer one of the questions - The shrines of blessing work via you giving them some in-game money, they give a random amount of boost to a randomly-picked stat.

Hope that helped


Can you please make it to where resting regenerates my health? Besides the vamp skill, there doesn't seem to be any other way to heal and the resting mechanic seems like it is intended for that, but right now, there isn't a point to it.

Found this game on Google Play Store under a different name, which is pretty weird already.

Did a quick background check on the piblisher and found out that they doesn't have any relation to you at all.

What's happening here??

The game is open source, you can literally check my github and see how i built the game. The guy probably copied the source code and uploaded it to play store.

I inspected the game's code and it was pretty much the same lmao. And he charged money for it, the audacity!

Resting doesn't do anything.


How am I supposed to beat this?

i beat it

Yeah, I realize that you can just keep upgrading your gear

(i know this is a year later) i just beat 2 in one run.


Some ideas that I would like for future updates of this game, hope the game developers will be interested:

1. I want the Curse Totem lvl to be in the customizations at the start of the game and not appear during the game (to prevent players from accidentally pressing the upgrade button by mistake).

2. Status blessing lvl will indicate what stats will be added, before the player spends money to upgrade (similar to leveling up)

3. Decrease the power of mysterious champer.

4. Do something that makes common and uncommon equipment more valuable than just for sale.

5. Finally, I want when we enter the save data, we don't have to start over from the beginning again.

how could i change my name ? there's a hard reset?

what a great game i can see me playing it in some ocasion while i have nothing to do

what engine is the game made on?


yup, built with vanilla html, css, js

is max attack speed 2.5?


Is this game at all related to Jobmania?

I never played Jobmania, so no.

(1 edit) (-1)

I realized that its just because you both use the same asset pack, I've seen it in a couple of games but I guess I just associate it with Jobmania because that's where I saw it first. If you don't mind me asking could you direct me to where you got the art for the monster? I don't know the name of the asset pack but I've been somewhat looking for it.

hi bro here is the link of that asset pack i also really like their 2d piexl , and they sell it for 5$ per pack , and they have about 50 - 60 asset packs like this

my advice if you like it and have a lot of money or want to make 2d games with piexl graphics like this then buy it there

http://www.akashics.moe/terms-of-use/  ( hey bro link and this inbox never virut )

 good luck you game ^^ 

Are tiers just rarity or is that something else?

Tiers scale with your Curse Level and the higher the weapon tier is, the better the stat scaling. So a common Tier 10 equipment might outclass a Legendary/Mythic Tier 1 equipment. I should have clarified it in the documentation.


Is tier a hidden number? As in does it not show the tier in the weapon itself when clicked on.

Great job!

(8 edits)


Can i make some suggestions (sorry for my bad english) like:

- Filter Inventory by Rarity

- Button Claim in same "place" than others buttons so we can spam click :P

- Or a button "Auto Claim" when a fight is done

- Better scaling for Monsters (Lv640 Monster still have "only" less than 20k HP, and Boss 30k HP but i hit 40-50k Crit! So maybe 150-200k HP a Monster and 500k HP a boss sounds not bad for a start :D )

- Maybe change a little the background color between floors (Toggle option, if somebody want to keep it black)

- Maybe an auto mode? To keep forward alone (with a warning "at your own risk")

- Nerf some items (giving +90% or +200%  for C.RATE/C.DMG/VAMP/ATK SPD is a little too easy :P )

- Mimic give more gold than other Monster? (Or Monster give less gold than Mimic?)

- Opening a Chest at my lvl give 26k gold when a monster can give 200k, need a scaling for Chest or nerf Monster droprate

- Maybe a better "Coherence" for stuff? (One Helm > HP/DEF/one random stat, One Chest > HP/DEF/one random stat, Two Weapons > ATK/ATKSPD/VAMP/CRATE/CDMG, One "Utility" (like Ring/Necklace/Gloves) > Some Random Stats. More the rarity is, more stats it give (it's already like this for this last sentence :P )

- Popup comparaison stats between Inventory and Equipped stuff (with Positive/Negative highlight)

- Button Remplace so we can easily swap stuff :) 

- A login system so i can play from my smartphone to my PC? 

- Maybe a little system or "Fusion" or "Reforge"? We can select 3 or more items and it will create a new one with randoms stats but ... better! :D

- A little chance to loose one or some items from Equipement/Inventory when die (from nothing or very low chance in early game and more in lategame?)

- Checkpoint? Die but restart Lv1 with good Stats and Stuff is ... dunno :P

Anyway! Keep it up! :D

Yeah, I'm currently working on improving the game balance. I'm also planning on adding more quality of life features as well as an Import and Export system for savedata.

This is a fun little pocket roguelite. I can see myself pull this up once and awhile to to play  here and there see how far I can go ^_^

Glad you enjoyed the game!

is every chest a mimic?

Every chest has 50% chance of encountering a mimic currently lol, i'll definitely nerf it


I wish there was an easier way to access and compare between the gears. Something like hovering over a gear would make a small popup that shows the gear or a drop down menu that shows multiple equipment stats at once.

I'll definitely work on it

(1 edit)

This is a really good game. Is there an end goal for there to be go "toward" or is it just "as far as possible"?

So far it's endless, but I'm planning to make it only about 10 floors with a final boss on the last floor, as well as customizable dungeon difficulties before the run starts.